The maintenance

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Presta Service supports you in maintaining
your real estate assets.

Presta Service is a company that provides multi-technical andmulti-service maintenance management for more than 20,000 sites in France, Spain and Benelux (in shops, commercial agencies, restaurants, supermarkets, buildings, etc.).

Our agencies at your service

Externalised maintenance

Entrusting the execution of maintenance work (simple or complex) to Presta Service allows you to have better control of the costs and quality of the work carried out.

Thanks to our services, you can outsource the maintenance of all your sites. We can meet all your maintenance needs for all trades on all your sites.

Our services are based on technical expertise (checked at the end of each project) and
on Real-time monitoring of interventions via our "Harmony" business database.

All construction trades

We work on all trades (plumbing, electricity, locksmithing, painting, cladding, masonry, roofing, etc.) to ensure maintenance on all your sites.
A trained and professional team is at your disposal from Monday to Sunday, 24/7 to meet all your needs.

Take care of your maintenance - contact our teams

Presta Service's advantages


– A contact person available 24/7 on a single telephone number: 05 86 30 08 16.
– Intervention as soon as possible thanks to our network of over 700 referenced craftsmen in France.


– Double quality control by the contractor/site manager after each intervention.
– If necessary, on-site visits to monitor and control the work in progress or completed.
– Real-time feedback on work in progress via our "Harmony" business database.

Cost control

– A network of professional service providers selected in their field of expertise and referenced throughout France.
– A catalogue of prices negotiated with our national suppliers (light sources, hot air curtains, tiling, plumbing, electricity, locksmithing, etc.).
– A single rate for travel and labour.


– A single contact person for coordination and personalised monitoring of your work.
– Liability and ten-year insurance.

Presta International


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Number of sites

/ month

Number of sites

/ month

Number of sites

/ month

Number of sites

/ month


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They trusted us

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